10/16/16 Are Americans too materialistic?

Most Americans are too materialistic. We have so much stuff that is spurious. Most of the stuff isn’t even perennial but it’s too hard to relinquish. In my house my family has so much extra stuff that isn’t needed. My younger sister for example has so many clothes but is at a deadlock about getting rid of them with my mom. It’s such a dilemma cleaning her room because of all the extra stuff. She has all her toys so diffuse. Everytime she gets in clean she muddles it again. She needs to efface multiple things in her room. But since she’s so opinionated about her stuff it makes it hard. At my house house it’d be so easy for a brigand to come and steal from us. With all of our extra clothes, toys, and games. So yes, my family especially my younger sister is too materialistic, like most Americans. 

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