Change? 12/19/16

In the next ten years I think I will change a lot. Not just in my appearance, but as I age I will experience and learn more things. I will develop. When something happens, I will learn from the experience and know either how to react or not to do that again. My personality will change, friends I have, school, and life. As I age I know I’ll grow as a better person. Learn from mistakes and things I witness. I’ll know more of right and wrong. As I age I will change, a lot, but hopefully for the better.

Nobel Peace Prize 12/20/16

The Nobel Peace Prize is relevant today because many people still win this award. People win this award for their hard work or amazing achievement. Martin Luther King Jr. won the Nobel Peace Price for his non-violent racial prejudice. At thirty five he was the youngest to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Alfred Nobel put in his will “the Peace Prize should be awarded to the person who has done the most or best work for fraternity between nations, abolition or reduction of standing armies, and holding and promotion of peace congress.” People strive to be awarded the Peace Prize and it is one of the most important prizes to be awarded.

I’m thankful for…. 11/21/16

        I’m thankful for my family. I’m thankful for my parents, who have shown me how to work hard and how to be a successful athlete. They’ve shown me how to be a good person. I’m thankful for them teaching me to treat everyone with respect and to treat other how you want to be treated. I’m thankful for my older sister, Dana, who has been a great role model in my life and has taught me to push when things are tough. I’m thankful for my younger brother, Joey, who has shown me that you’re capable of anything you set your mind too. Lastly, I’m thankful for the youngest sibling, Carly. I’m thankful for her for showing me how to have fun no matter the situation and that it is okay to let loose and not stress about everything. I’m thankful for my family for loving me no matter how bad I mess up in sports or no matter how bad of grade I get. I’m thankful for my family for showing me unconditional love.

Maycomb Tribune Editorial: 11/22/16

Maycomb Tribune Editorial:


People of Maycomb, are you a follower who’d be a part of a mob or do you follow your own morals? Mr. Cunningham and a group of men thought it was right to show up at the jail and kill a supposed rapist. Without even waiting for the verdict of the trial, they thought it was necessary to try and kill Mr. Robinson. Lucky, Mr. Finch was there to protect Mr. Robinson. They thought it was their job to take it in their hands to take care of the problem.

People of Maycomb, we are not children, nor do we act like them. We should not act in mobs. We should not act without knowing the facts. Tom Robinson was accused, yes. But how do we know that it is not a false accusation.

“Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts.”   -Sherlock Holmes

My problem with Mr. Cunningham and the men is they were assembled like a mob. They were there to hurt Mr. Robinson and threatened to hurt Mr. Finch. They were there for murder but yet Mr. Robinson is in jail for because he was accused of rape without any evidence.  We need the facts before we act. We have the right for assembly, but not for violence. The Ewells are a poor family who would do anything for money. They have no education, they don’t attend school. How do we know this is not a lie? Let us allow Mr. Robinson to tell his side of the events that happened that night. Let us allow Mr. Finch to defend Mr. Robinson. Mr. Robinson has a family he wants to go home to. Let Mr. Finch, the judge, and the jury do their job.

So people of Maycomb, I’m asking you are you a follower? Or do you follow your own morals?



By:   Mr. Underwood


11/5/16 Emmett Till Questions

C. Mamie Mobley made the controversial decision to have Emmett’s coffin left open for the thousands of people to see. She wanted people to see what happened to her son so he would be remembered. She wanted for the people in a way to feel what she felt. She wanted people to support her and help her with change. She got what she wanted, the people started the civil rights movement.


D. Mrs. Mobley said “Keith, you’re about to grab a rattlesnake by the tail.” Mrs. Mobley meant that his research was dangerous, that people were still very racist. Some people still agreed with with the murder of Emmett Till and saw it in no way wrong. So for Mr. Beauchamp to research and write about Emmett Till and disagree was a danger for himself. Despite the danger, he still wanted to research Emmett Till’s murder and honor it.


F. Mr. Nelson said “it’s a great feeling, it’s an incredible feeling, to be a bit apart of this. The film was hard to make, it was emotional to make, it was also an honor to make.” The film was emotional because of the horrible things that happened to Emmett Till. The film was an honor to make because he got to honor Emmett. He let the horrors of that night be remembered and not forgotten. So Mr. Nelson feels great for having the chance to write about Emmett Till.

10/16/16 Are Americans too materialistic?

Most Americans are too materialistic. We have so much stuff that is spurious. Most of the stuff isn’t even perennial but it’s too hard to relinquish. In my house my family has so much extra stuff that isn’t needed. My younger sister for example has so many clothes but is at a deadlock about getting rid of them with my mom. It’s such a dilemma cleaning her room because of all the extra stuff. She has all her toys so diffuse. Everytime she gets in clean she muddles it again. She needs to efface multiple things in her room. But since she’s so opinionated about her stuff it makes it hard. At my house house it’d be so easy for a brigand to come and steal from us. With all of our extra clothes, toys, and games. So yes, my family especially my younger sister is too materialistic, like most Americans. 

10/13/16 What scares me most in life?

What scares me most in life is a brigand stealing everything from me. Taking my family and me being alone. Me trying to salvage things that mean something to me. I’d hate watching everything efface in front of me. I’d muddle through life without my family’s help. If I got in a dilemma I don’t know what’d I’d do. I wouldn’t be perennial alone. It’d be cumbersome being alone all the time without my family. I’d miss being admonished and my family telling me to be circumspect about everything I do. I’d miss my opinionated family if I was taken from me. So, me being alone without my family is what scares me the most in life. 

10/13/16 Who is the most inspirational person in my life?

  The most inspirational person in my life is my sister Dana. She is very opinionated in some things but in most, open-minded. She never relinquishes, even when she wasn’t able to play soccer for half the season because of her heart. Dana’s sitting heart rate was 108, so my mom and the doctor always had to admonish her about playing soccer. When she finally was able to come back and play soccer she was very circumspect about running and always had to check her heart rate. But she never gave up. Dana always pushes herself, to be better in school, better at soccer, or a better person than she already is. Dana and I get in deadlock arguments sometimes, but it’s never anything big and we always work it out. Dana is very perennial when it comes to something she wants to do. She is the opposite of spurious. She’s always there when I or anyone else needs her. She also doesn’t muddle through her school work. She works hard. Dana is the opposite of efface, because she is so outgoing. Dana handles dilemmas very well. That’s why she’s the most inspirational person in my life. 

10/6/16 Mixtape

     My mixtape of my life would be anything Beyoncé. Especially her knew album Lemonade and the songs “Hold Up” and “Sorry”. She wrote her album after being cheated on by her husband. I really like country songs, so that would have to be on my mixtape too. My favorite artist probably is Jake Owen. Some of my favorite songs he sings are “What We Ain’t Got” and “Anywhere With You”. Jake Owen is thirty five who probably would have never starting singing if it weren’t for a wakeboarding accident. He planned on becoming a professional golfer, but due to permanent injury he was unable too. He learned to play guitar and his singing career took off. That would be the mixtape of my life. 

10/6/16 First Crush

My first crush would be Taylor Lautner “Jacob Black”. After watching Twilight in 2008, I thought I was going to marry him. I was only 6. I liked him so much because he was obviously good looking and a werewolf. I also liked him because he was so kind to Bella and his father who was in a wheelchair. So he was the “perfect boyfriend”. Since I was only six, Jacob looked so much better then all the boys in my class because he was more muscular, he was taller, he had nicer hair, because at that time all the boys hair was way too long or way too short. So, my first crush was Taylor Lautner, a.k.a. Jacob Black.